Mahanta Gandhi whose full name is "MOHONDAS KARAMCHAND GANDHI" was born on 2 October 1869 in Porbandar state of Gujarat in poor Hindu Modh Baniya Family. His father Karamchand Uttamchand Gandhi born (1822-1885) served as Diwan ( chief minister) of Porbandar state. During his tenure Karamchand married 4 times and Gandhi was the son of last married wife putlibai .
In 1874 Gandhi's father Karamchand Uttamchand left Porbandar to a samller state of Rajkot , where he became a counselor to its ruler in Thakur Sahib benglow .
In 1876 Karamchand Uttamchand became Diwan of Rajkot and his brother Tulsidas became a Diwan of Porbandar
At the age of 9 Gandhi get admission in a local school in Rajkot near to his home .And at the age of 11 he get admission in high school .He was an average student . He was very shy and tongue tied student with no interest in game..
In may 1883 , at the age of 13 , Mohandas married to 14 years old Kasturba Mukhanji Kapadia lovingly called Kasturba . His wedding was joint event , where his brother and cousin were also married.
In late 1885 ,Gandhi father Karamchand died . Gandhi was 16 years old and his wife was 17 years old and had their first baby , who servived only for few days.
The Gandhi couple had four more child , all were son's no daughter
1. Harilal
2. Manilal
3. Ramdas
4. Devdas
In 1887 at the age of 18 , he graduated from high school in Ahmedabad.
On 10 August 1888 , Gandhi aged 18 left Porbandar for Mumbai for study about local Modh Bania Community.
On 4 September Gandhi ji sailed from Bombay to Landon for studying about law and jurisprudence for becoming barrister.
Due to request of Gopal Krishna Gokhale , conveyed to him by C.F Andrews , Gandhi returned to India in 1915.
Gandhi joined the Indian National Congress and was introduced to Indian issues , politices , and indian people primarily by Gokhale was a key leader of the Congress party .
Gandhi ji first major acchevement came in 1917 with the Champaran agitation in Bihar . The British force peasantry to grow indigo and sell their crop to the planters at a fixed low price. The peasantry were unhappy with this and appealed to Gandhi at his ashram in Ahmedabad.
Gandhi ji established Non Cooperation Movement and he says in his book Hind Swaraj (1909) at the age of 40 that the British had survived for 200 century only because of cooperation of Indian . If indInd refuse to co - operate , British rule would collapse and Swaraj would come.
In 1921 , Gandhi became leader of Indian National Congress .
Gandhi expanded his non- violence , Non Cooperation platform to include the "SWADESHI POLICY" Boycotting foreign made product especially British product and supported to make Khadi (HOMESPUN CLOTH)
Gandhi ji was first arrested on 10 March 1922 against disobeying the British rule. He was released after two years in 1924 and after that he started salt "SATYAGRAHA (SALT MARCH) Movement.
Gandhi led Congress celebrated 26 January 1930 as Indian's independence in Lahore ..
Gandhi ji then started a famous Dandhi March from Ahmedabad to Dandhi of 388 km and it takes 25 days .
After a great hard work of Gandhi and his team India got free from British on mid night of 14 August 1947 , and we celebrate 15 August as a Indian independence.
Jai Hind
Jai Bharat
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